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MAZAK   QTC100MSYL  Turn Mill Machining Centre
[Product Information:]
  • Inventory number:4461386
  • Brand:MAZAK
  • Model:QTC100MSYL
  • Origin:Japan
  • Location:China
  • Year:2022
  • Create Time:2024-11-24


  • CNC System: MAZATROL Smooth G maximum machining  diameter :340mmY axis travel :100mm(±50mm) Z-axis travel :605mm The 1st spindle chuck 6 "hollow, spindle through hole diameter 61mm The 2nd spindle chuck 5" hollow, spindle through the hole 53mm 1/2 spindle maximum speed 1:6000 RPM, 0.0001 degree point degree cutter capacity: 12 sets of configuration: automatic transfer tool, side chain plate chip conveyor +750W large flow cooling (including iron chip bucket), power head several, oil mist collector, water gun & Air gun, oil-water separator, automatic workpiece collector + with workpiece conveyor belt, adjusWorktable Angle power cutter holder